KG's Gluten Free recipes, etc.

My collection of Gluten Free recipes, experiments, experiences and thoughts. I'm not very chatty. Just using this to share these recipes with family & friends and keep track of my recipes and changes.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Chicken tamales, Cuban flavored, naturally gluten free

These are very nicely seasoned tamales. I thought about putting green olives in but then decided against it. The reason why I decided to make these is that my husband brought home these most awful tamales in a jar, so to wipe their taste of my mind I quick threw together these tamales. This is a 2 part recipe containing the masa (dough) and the meat portion. In the past I've used uncooked ground pork which is very good, but I changed it to cooked ragged chicken because I had some in our freezer and my sister doesn't like to eat too much pork.

Meat portion

1. Cook in crockpot about 4-8 hours until the meat shreds easily:
  • about 1 lb. (3) chicken breasts
  • in some water about 1/2 - 1 inch to keep meat moist

2. Saute the seasoning until not raw, chop and add ingredients one by one. Then set aside:

  • 2-4 Tbs achiote (annato seed) colored oil
  • small onion
  • 1/2 green or red pepper
  • 3-6 garlic cloves
  • 4 oz can minced mild canned green chilies, drained
  • 1 Tbs dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 Tbs cider vinegar to deglaze pan
  • Shredded (Ragged) Chicken
  • water that chicken was cooked in, (about 1/4-1/2 cup)

Masa (Dough)

1. Whisk together dry ingredients (flour mixture)

  • 3 cups masa harina, finely ground corn flour
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder
  • 1.5 tsp salt

2. Beat till creamy with electric mixer in large bowl

  • 1 cup gluten free margarine

3. Alternate adding 3 Tbs at a time, dry ingredients and water while beating until light and fluffy after each addition until dough is very smooth and of spreading consistency.

  • 1.75 cups + 3 Tbs lukewarm water

4. Start a big pot of water boiling

5. Make the tameles. Can use banana leaves or cornhusks but I used foil this time about 4-6" wide. (In the past I've saved corn husks from cooking corn but right now it's the wrong time of year to buy good corn.)

  • oil foil well
  • spread out about 1 heaping Tbs. masa (dough) leaving enough room to fold foild at least 3 times
  • lay out about heaping tsp of meat mixture in a line down the middle
  • fold over and make long skinny packets
  • cook about 45 minutes, drain, then eat.

Makes about 30 tamales

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