KG's Gluten Free recipes, etc.

My collection of Gluten Free recipes, experiments, experiences and thoughts. I'm not very chatty. Just using this to share these recipes with family & friends and keep track of my recipes and changes.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Link to gluten free brownie and pumpkin cookie recipes

I always like reading recipes, especially specialty recipes, so when my mom told me about some recipes in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal I looked on-line. While I was searching on-line for the recipes I found an article about The Gluten Free Trading Company.

My mom told me about these recipes in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. They follow a story on food allergies called "Eating with Care, Food Allergies require vigilance at the table" . They use rice flour but I would probably switch it out with sorghum. A lot of grocery stores now carry xanthan gum in their special diet food section.

Also found an article on how & why the owners of The Gluten Free trading company started their store called "Gluten-Free is more than a lifestyle, It's a Business" . According to the article "Their store was the first exclusively gluten-free market in the country..." Pretty cool for Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


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